Our story
All the experts agree. Summer 2023 has given us a foretaste of what the future climate will be like in the Mediterranean, a climate in which extremes will become more pronounced and heat waves will continue to multiply. Under these conditions, who will dare to visit Mediterranean cities during the months of July and August? Who will still be walking around Marseille or Bologna in the middle of summer?
The Cool Noons project aims to address this issue in Mediterranean cities, dramatically exposed to the negative effects of climate change and in particular to heat waves. How to renew the urban tourism offer by adapting it to a context of extreme and rapid changes? How to improve the thermal comfort in cities during summer, for the benefit of tourists and inhabitants? How can we ensure the sustainability of an economic activity as fundamental as tourism in Mediterranean countries?
Cool Noons is an innovative project for the way it addresses an urgent and underestimated issue such as the evolution of urban tourism towards a more sustainable model. It is also innovative for the tools and methods used, which combine scientific accuracy, pragmatism and creativity, thanks to the diversity of the partners involved.
Cool Noons partners teamed up to represent the Mediterranean area, testing solutions in urban areas that have registered alarming temperatures with the aim of creating a better environment for both tourist and residents.
Cool Noon involves 9 partners from 6 countries:
- AVITEM – Agence des Villes et terriroires mediterraneéns durables – France
- Ville de Marseille – France
- Città metropolitana di Bologna – Italy
- Imola Faenza Tourism Company – Italy
- University of Coimbra – Portugal
- Câmara Municipal de Lisboa – Portugal
- Municipality of Budva – Montenegro
- DURA Dubrovnik Development Agency – Croatia
- American College of Greece – Greece
Cool Noons is also counting on the involvement of 7 associated partners, playing a key role in supporting the project’s implementation and dissemination.
- MedCités – Spain
- Nuovo Circondario Imolese – Italy
- Lisbon Tourism Board – Portugal
- Budva Local Tourism Board – Montenegro
- City of Dubrovnik – Croatia
- Izmir Metropolitan Municipality – Turkey
- Municipality of Budva – Montenegro
- BSC, Poslovno podporni center d.o.o. – Slovenia
- Marseille Tourism Office – France
Some contribute at local or national level, supporting consortium partners in their activities and involving specific targets in the co-designing phase. Others, like the Tourism Offices, play a key role in involving tourists in the co-design sessions and in promoting solutions and “cool noons paths” developed in the first phase of the project.
Finally, all contribute to disseminate results in the professional networks they belong to, and benefit from project results, using them to enrich their policies or strategies.
Mapping cool routes in Budva, Dubrovnik, Imola, Marseille and Lisbon
The Cool Paths wish to be a new way to explore and live the Mediterranean cities – that are facing climate changes and increasing heat waves – with the main goal of offering a renovated approach to urban tourism and enhancing urban resilience.
Mapping the cities
As a crucial phase of Cool Noons, the five pilot cities – Budva, Dubrovnik, Imola, Marseille and Lisbon – identified one or more paths, chosen according to tourist interest and best thermal comfort.
The mapping started off with green areas and spots that are considered cooler. Then, proceeded to identifying pre existent paths or mapped new itineraries in the cities, in order to attract visitors to less-explored areas merging the needs of visitors and locals, with great attention to creating a better living experience for the residents, who would benefit from the solutions that will be implemented during the following phases of Cool Noons.
The Cool Noons Paths share a common methodology (based on Least-Cost method, Optimal Regional Connectivity, as well as more important data such as heat-related metrics, Copernicus Climate Services, tourist origins, refreshing buildings etc). But Cool Noons pilots had the possibility of making autonomous decisions in the customisation of the methodology, with the goal to match and create connections with key tourist points and planning the eco-cultural Cool Noons itineraries.