
  • Sustainable Tourism

COOL NOONS: one project in a broader community of the Interreg Euro-Med Sustainable Tourism Mission


As of 2024, 10 thematic projects are funded by the Interreg Euro-Med program on the topic of sustainable tourism. This makes them part of a community of projects, under the Sustainable Tourism Mission. The Interreg Euro-Med program has set up two horizontal projects to develop synergies between the projects in the community and promote cooperation in the Euro-MED and beyond, to increase the coordination level and institutional capacity to make the tourism greener, smarter and more resilient: the Community4Tourism (C4T) and Dialogue4Tourism (D4T).

COOL NOONS was under the spotlight during the kick-off of the C4T in Rome on March 10th-11th 2024. The C4T fosters the reuse of results and best practices of the community of projects, supports the transferring of successful initiatives and results and increases the coordination among the stakeholders who – in the Mediterranean Region and beyond – are committed to the tourism governance and territorial cooperation. The meeting in Rome was an opportunity to share COOL NOONS’ main goal and expected results and identify “sister projects” with whom to connect and create promising synergies !

Furthermore, COOL NOONS was also presented on April 2024 at the public session of the Dialogue4Tourism. The Institutional Dialogue Project of Interreg Euro-MED focuses on transnational coordination of governance throughout the Mediterranean area by reinforcing the visibility of the Euro-MED Sustainable Tourism Thematic Community’s results. COOL NOONs was presented by AViTeM as a thematic project from the C4T during the roundtable “Cross Network Alliance on Sustainable Tourism, an open dialogue with Initiatives, Strategies and other Programs in the MED Region”.

AViTeM shared our upcoming action on how to adapt urban tourism offer to face heatwaves in Mediterranean cities and discussed how Dialogue4Tourism can help to bring Cool Noons’ results to the decision-making tables at several levels!