
  • Programme

Meeting in Marseille – March 25th to 27th


The first meeting of Cool Noons partners took place in Marseille from March 25th to 27th.

Home of two project partners, Marseille was the chance of meeting in person and discuss about the next steps to take.

Masterly organised by AVITEM, the first meeting of Cool Noons was focused on getting to know each other and discussing about the upcoming actions within the project (Mapping the territory and Data Collection, along as testing the Cool Noon paths).

This meeting was also the opportunity to get trained about the fundamentals of design thinking and collective intelligence methods. This training will enable our pilot cities to organize the co-design workshops with the citizens aimed to generate ideas for creative solutions to improve the way tourists and residents can enjoy the cities during the hottest hours of the day.

Now that we met in person, we are even more eager to carry out the COOL NOONS project!